Pantry Thoughts
Making preserves is a great way to connect with your food. It’s a way to slow down, take your time, and appreciate the process of turning simple ingredients into something delicious and unique. In this blog section, you’ll find my thoughts and musings about the wide range of life aspects that can be appreciated through the process of making homemade preserves. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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Making homemade preserves was once just another piece of the daily routine, and a useful method to store the harvest of the season for the long, dark winter. These abilities were passed down from generation...
CLICK HERE TO GO TO: Upcycling Preserves Part 2: TOP TIPS In a world where we’re constantly seeking ways to minimize waste and maximize flavour, the concept of upcycling preserves – be it shop-bought...
One of the biggest challenges we face as humans are learning how to use our resources efficiently. This is especially true when it comes to something as precious as food. According to the United Nations,...
In current times, people are more conscientious than ever about where their food comes from and how it is prepared. In tandem with this mindset, preserving food has once more become a popular activity....
As with any cooking, the key to ease, enjoyment and success in making any preserve is by preparing. This means having all of your ingredients ready to go before you start cooking. It also means taking...
I’m sure you’ve all had that moment when you’re making something and it just doesn’t seem to be going right. The dough isn’t cooperating or your sauce is too runny. You start...
Making jams and chutneys to store in the pantry to get you through the scarcity of the winter months can seem to be very out-of-place in our lives today. But having and using food-preserving skills in...
Welcome back! If you’ve been following this upcycling preserves journey, you know I have already explored the what, the why, and the how of this convenient and creative practice. Here, in Part 2,...
In the busyness of the world today a lot of food preparation can easily become a means to an end. You rush to get a meal on the table to fuel your body, just to get back on that rollercoaster again. But,...